Ear Wax Removal
Unblock your ears quickly and gently with our incredible ear wax Ear irrigation technique.
Unblock your ears quickly and gently with our incredible ear wax Ear irrigation technique.
The Ear irrigation removal treatment is a far more gentle procedure than other types of ear wax removal and you can come back far more regularly for treatment. Suitable for patients who are about to fly, are already hearing aid users, have previous ear drum damage or have impacted ear wax.
Ear irrigation appointments are 30 minutes and include a free hearing health check. The charge for Ear irrigation Ear Wax Removal is $70.
We recommend that patients place a couple of drops of olive oil or almond oil in their ears, only at night up to 3 days maximum, before their appointment.
Ear irrigation is the safest, most effective way of removing a wax build
up and any obstruction caused by foreign bodies down the ear canal. The
procedure uses a sophisticated bright and magnified view enabling the
delicate structures of the ear canal to be viewed throughout the whole
procedure, and only removing what can be moved, safely.
Reserve your free, no obligation Hearing Health Check today with one of our hearing experts
What is Ear irrigation?
Ear irrigation is the safest, most effective way of cleaning wax build up and any obstruction caused by foreign bodies down the ear canal. The procedure uses a sophisticated microscope which provides a magnified light source enabling the delicate structures of the ear canal to be viewed throughout the whole procedure. Ear Wax removal using Ear irrigation is performed with the aid of an operating microscope and a finely calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. Ear irrigation is a very well tolerated by the majority of people, gives you fast results hence it is much more effective than the traditional wax removal methods. It is also one of the safest methods, as the physician can see the structures inside your ear. It is very rare that people may need wax softening with ear products, commonly olive oil, typically though, most clients manage to have their ears cleared in one session without any wax pre-treatment.
I regularly get ear wax, how often can I undergo Ear irrigation Ear Wax Removal?
The treatment can be administered as required. Some clients have the treatment a couple of times a year, others less frequently. As the Ear irrigation removal treatment is a far more gentle procedure than other types of ear wax removal, you can come back far more regularly for treatment. There are clients who attend the clinic around three times a year for routine check up’s.
Do you need to prepare your ears with oil before a Ear irrigation Ear Wax Removal Appointment?
In most cases we can remove the wax without any softening being required to the Ear irrigation treatment. We do recommend that you place two drops of oil (almond or olive oil are suitable) into your ear the night before your appointment. In the instance that we cannot remove all of the wax, we recommend to return within a week for further treatment.
Does The IncusEar Hearing & ENT Centre offer Ear irrigation Wax Removal at all its clinic locations?
We only recommend Ear irrigation for ear wax removal and offer the service at all of our clinic locations.
Is Ear irrigation Wax Removal Safe?
Ear irrigation wax removal is considered one of the safest methods of removing ear wax. At The Hearing Clinic the procedure is performed by trained professionals who take every care to ensure your experience is an enjoyable one. Ear irrigation Wax Removal is also safe for those with perforated eardrums or fitted with grommets, unlike ear syringing or ear irrigation. You can read more about Ear irrigation Wax Removal here:
What is the safest method of ear wax removal?
The safest form of ear wax removal is Ear irrigation. This is due to other outdated methods being more invasive, and use chemicals or water being entered into your ear
What happens if I don’t have wax?
f you don’t have a wax buildup, our hearing health check will show if there is a potential for a hearing loss, and our team will explore other potential causes for the hearing loss. If needed, you would be recommended to come back for a Full Hearing Assessment.
How often do I need to get Ear irrigation?
This answer changes per person – as some people naturally have more ear wax than others. Some people only need it done every year or two, whilst for others they may need it more regularly. Your Hearing Care Assistant will be able to advise further.
How do I keep my ears clean?
We recommend not putting anything into your ears – apart from the odd drop of olive oil to loosen wax. Your ears are naturally self-cleaning so cotton buds and similar items are never needed and can damage your
If I have an ear infection can I get Ear irrigation Ear Wax Removal?
We do not recommend getting Ear irrigation done when you have an ongoing ear infection. Instead, we recommend you visit your GP and get the required treatment, then return to us for Ear irrigation when the infection is completely cleared.