Frequency-specific BERA 500Hz, 1000KHz, 2000KHz & 4000KHz

The brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA) is an objective neurophysiological method for the evaluation of the hearing threshold and diagnosing retrocochlear lesions. The aim of this test is to investigate the hearing level in children with suspected hearing loss or pathological speech development.

At IncusEar, we have state of the art equipments to have frequency-specific BERA, traditionally “fixed” frequency BERA have been used it has not shown much hearing loss variations in frequencies. Our frequency specific BERAs are done from 500 Hz, 1,000 KHz, 2000 KHz and 4,000 KHz.

Frequency specific test helps to plot an audiogram (PTA) on the frequencies tested, unlike the traditionally used “fixed” frequency BERA where the hearing is assessed on one frequency.

Here is real BERA tests results for a normal child tested on all described frequencies.

Threshold 500Hz

Threshold 500Hz

Threshold 1000Hz

Threshold 1000Hz

Threshold 2000Hz

Threshold 2000Hz

Threshold 4000Hz

Threshold 4000Hz