Get free supply of hearing aid batteries by referring a client to purchase hearing aid from us.
When referring client to us, kindly ask them to give us your contact so that we can reach you to collect your hearing aid batteries.
This program is to reward you for the trust you have given us to take care of your hearing needs.
How the Program works.
For every client you send to IncusEar, this will earn you free 6 months supply of hearing aids batteries. If you send two clients you get a 12 months supply if you send three clients you get 18 months of free supply.
Customized hearing healthcare
At IncusEar, we provide customized hearing healthcare, offering a full range of hearing tests, tinnitus treatments, and modern digital hearing aids to enhance hearing and improve our clients’ quality of life. If you’re living with a hearing loss, you may be missing out on all the joys life has to offer.
There are also many reasons for trusting IncusEar with your hearing health. Unlike most hearing centres and clinics in Nairobi and East Africa, we are not aligned to a hearing aid manufacturer. Therefore, you can be assured that we will always offer independent advice and discuss the full range of solutions that are best suited to your needs – including hearing aids from ALL leading manufacturers.